World’s Worst Intersection Has Drivers Speeding from Freeway Directly Into Accidents
Pay your city planners, folks.
One of the problems with having freeways in the middle of a city is that, at some point, people have to leave the freeway. This becomes an issue because “freeway” = “high speeds,” and “high speeds in cities” = “pedestrian death.”
Of course, solving this presents another problem. Slowing people down off of a freeway requires a lot of road, as drivers need a considerable amount of time to reduce their speed. Sure, this could be solved with mass transit, but people want to drive, damn it!
As such, most cities just bulldoze buildings and add exit ramps. In this case, the city of Seattle just said “fuck it” and placed the freeway exit right up against an intersection — in turn, causing a shit ton of accidents.
‼️ Crash magnet! This is the I-5 SB Union St exit to downtown Seattle. Tunnel curves & pops you out to an intersection.
— Deedee Sun (@DeedeeKIRO7) May 6, 2022
Michael Basconcillo's video of 17 crashes over several years is now going viral on Reddit!
(Btw poster sped it up 1.5x there, this is the original). (1/2)